No training this morning.I hope to be fresh for a hard session tomorrow. I know it is New Years day but hey I don't drink I just have to deal with a late night from watching the fireworks at Sydney Harbour.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
Friday: 22k @ 5.26
A recovery/easy run right on the pace that was set. No issues from yesterdays session. I thought there might be a slight issue of some kind as yesterdays session was not what i usually do.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Thursday: 8 x 1k
Well it was May that I did a couple of sessions like this. At the moment at the pace I want to do them at they are tough - no wonder I have in the past preferred to go longer each day and avoid these sessions. However I guess if I want to have a chance of going quicker they have to be done.
When I started I really did not think I could/would finish the session.
Pleased to report they were all done between 4.13/4.17 pace with one at 3.53 when a mate come past and did one with me and thankfully kept going leaving me with 2 to go,
Easy 3k before and after.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Wednesday: Base 21k @ 5.26
I had to work hard after yesterday's session. A bit faster than the 5.40 intended.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Tuesday: Key session 1 of the week
Today was very different that what I usually do. I had set the 1.2k tempo session at 4.35 pace which I did not think I would do but I would have a shot at.
3k warm up @ 5.40
5 x 1.2k done at 4.29 pace. Felt easier than I thought and the pace was even it each one and in fact in a couple I went out too quickly and had to ease back.
The 10k run at the end @ 5.40 was tough and I really had to work very hard to complete it at the slower end of the range. Anyway its done very much as planned.
Monday, December 26, 2011
16 weeks to Canberra Marathon
Well yesterday was 16 weeks to the marathon and I have decided that I am okay fro C2K and I will set a program
I plan to run about 110 - 120k per week in a full training week. It will be less if I run a longer race at SMC or a marathon as training.
The week will have 2 key speed sessions days and maybe a 3rd depending and the other days will be steady running at a set pace to make up the total k's. Those days will be in the 18 -22k length and run at between 5.30 - 5.40 pace.
This week the 2 key sessions are :
S 1:
3k warm up at 5.40
5 x 1.2k @ 4.35 pace
10k @ 5.40
3k warm up at 5.40
8 x 1k @ 4.15
5k warm down at 5.40
Today Monday it was 19k @ 5.28
I plan to run about 110 - 120k per week in a full training week. It will be less if I run a longer race at SMC or a marathon as training.
The week will have 2 key speed sessions days and maybe a 3rd depending and the other days will be steady running at a set pace to make up the total k's. Those days will be in the 18 -22k length and run at between 5.30 - 5.40 pace.
This week the 2 key sessions are :
S 1:
3k warm up at 5.40
5 x 1.2k @ 4.35 pace
10k @ 5.40
3k warm up at 5.40
8 x 1k @ 4.15
5k warm down at 5.40
Today Monday it was 19k @ 5.28
Where to now for 2012?
Well always the focus is Canberra Marathon in April however this year I have 3 planned marathons before that and so the training will be interrupted by running them but all a re new so I will do them.
The SMC marathon on the 16th January was unexpected and may not occur again. There are reasons why my Club is putting in on that I do not need to go into here. Simply to say for some it is the last chance to get a qualifier for 6ft in March. The cut of is 4.20 and I expect I will run a sweeper. At that pace it should bea very comfortable training run.
A couple of weeks later on Australia Day I will travel to Brisbane to run a very small marathon put on by 'Digger'. The pace will be a bit quicker but no more that a 5.30 pace training run. That is there will be only a day or 2 taper.
In February there is a marathon at Caboolture and I don't think they have included a marathon. Maybe time to have a bit of a quicker hit out. But we will see how training in progressing
I am a follower of Lydiard but usually that means I am usually do nothing but base building training and getting good results but I think I could run a few marathons quicker and so I need add something to the training.That means some sessions that incorporate some shorter quicker repeats.
I usually do not do them as I find then difficult mentally and they seem to inflame the Achilles but hey are in and I will see what happens. So my weekly program will include a few of these sessions instead of the usual long runs that get quicker as time goes on. I will still be doing these but not daily and I will be paying much more attention to pace.
I will be working on 3 or 4 weeks blocks. That is he pace for that period will be set and as best as I can I will maintain it even though as the block progresses the pace gets more comfortable. I will maintain the pace for the black and then review my fitness with the aim of increasing the pace of each session.
Rather conventional for most programs but something I have not done fora few years.
Lets hope it does not in the short term result in any injury or niggle and in the long term gives me a couple of marathons during 2012 quicker than I have run for a while.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Wednesday: Another easy morning around the Bay
Feeling much better and less fatigued. Running very freely and enjoying the 'no training' running. However the slow and steady recovery has been thrown into some chaos with SMC announcing overnight that they would put on a marathon on the 15 January. there are valid reasons why the club is doing it an I support it.
Its an official marathon so I will be running but probably as the back marker at 4.20 pace. I then have another on the 26 January in Brisbane. Nioooce start tot he year.
Today's 9k was at 5.43 pace not that it matters compared to the same route on Monday at 6.36.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Tuesday: Another recovery run
Out again. This is not training. This is just about getting everything moving smoothly and not rushing while the body is still in recovery mode. I will not do any serious training until early in January although I will have a daily run.
Monday: Recovery Run
Out for my first run post C2K. About an hour and 10k. Nothing but just turning the legs over.
How much was running in C2K?
Before the event I spent a lot of time talking to Sue who was head crewie and we knew we needed a good manageable plan for the way things would work as between the crew and me. After much discussion and reflection on what did work last year we decided on the following strategy:
- For the first 150k or so the car would stop about 1 hour ahead of me;
- I would run with a hand held and carry food with me;
- I would not stop at the car;
- two of the crew would be about 200 metres from the car and would meet me and as I was walking I would have at least 600ml of fluid and eat a selection of food they would offer;
- As i got near the car if there was anything special I wanted one would run ahead and get it;
- As I left I would take a fresh hand held with just water and a small plastic bag with some food;
- I had a bum bag to carry a phone and the food;
- Then I would continue.
That is pretty much how it happened until about 150k although the stops after 100k were down to about 45 minutes.
The first actual stop at at 104k when I had teas at about 7.30pm (having been moving for 14 hours). It was some warm soup, a complete change of clothes for the night and 20 minutes later I was away.
We had another 20 minutes stop at Dalgety from 3.00am. There is a hall mainly for the crew to eat and sleep. I went in sat down and had some soup anda coffee and was out on the road by 3.20am.
At about 6.30 am just before the short but steep climb we had another 20 minute stop, I had breakfast and another complete change of clothes into shorts and top for the day. Shoes and socks were never changes during the whole event as I had no issues with them.
The next stop for about 10 minutes was at about 185k when I given a couple of coffee's. That was about 10.00am. It was then a non stop push to Charlotte's Pass which we arrived at, at 7.30pm except for a couple of roadside massages.
At Charlotte's Pass we had tea and got ready for the 20k round. We were there about 20 minutes.
I am not sure how long in total we stopped for but about a little over an hour. Other than that I was always moving forward in some way.
Friday, December 16, 2011
240k and Coast to Kozci
Well last weekend I ran this event and finished in 43 hours 37 minutes.
Firstly I have no doubt I may not have finished with out the dedicated support of my wonderful crew. The three girls and mothers all travelled from interstate and gave up so much of their time to help me. All crews do it tough but I only know what mine did for me and I could not have asked for or wished for more. So Sue, Anne and Sharene thank you girls. We had a race plan and a crew plan based on what did not work well last year and some added things. It seems this year we got it right.
Last year I was not well when I started and really continued to struggled until I was timed out at Dalgety at 148k.
This year I was healthy and fit. My mind was very positive although I knew that the course and distance needed a lot of respect. However I was positive mentally and that helped.
The first day went so well I was concerned that maybe I had pushed a bit too hard. Last year it was dark for me at around 90k and well short of the dead tree. This year he plan was to have tea at the start of the sealed road into Dalgety (at 106k) and be on the way before sunset. I was so pleased to be at the dead tree right on 7.00pm and on my way along the road to Dalgety at 8.00pm having eaten and changed.
We arrived at Dalgety at 3.00am about 4 hours ahead of last year. We had 30 minute stop and had 3 hours up on the cut off when I left at 3.30 am. That was in front of where we planned to be and so decided that to finish all we had to do from then on was to maintain a pace that equated to the cutoffs and we would be okay provided I held out. So the pace dropped a bit and we made the cut off to the River at Thredbo at 189k still 3 hours ahead of the cut off. We left Charlottes Pass at about 8.00pm a were 4 1/2 hours ahead of the cut off. We now had 7 1/2 hours to cover the last 20k.
Sounds easy but I had already covered 220k, it is a relentless climb up to the top of Mount Kozsci and the weather was getting colder (about 2 degrees at the top excluding and wind chill factor).
However the wheels feel off badly after reaching the summit and in particular I had severe pain in the kidney area that made standing upright almost impossible and so I was supported by both arms on the way down by 2 of the girls.
The other was having her own problems and I added some vivid hallucinations as I was stumbling down. I believed at time we we in an ice cave and the roof was getting lower and so we needed to crouch down. It was also the night of the moon eclipse but I could not clearly see the moon because of all of the camouflage netting over the track we were walking down. So it made for a very interesting 20k round trip that took much much longer than it should have but was made it with 2 1/2 hours to spare.
A wonderful experience and for somebody my age (despite the saying that 60 is the new 50)I am thankful I have the health to be able to complete events like this.

Thursday, November 10, 2011
GNW weekend: Thoughts
Well where did that 2 years go. It was two years ago that I last started the GNW 100 miler. I was not fit and recall vividly the moment that I told Tall Geff and Seris to leave me as I was in trouble and I did not want to hold them up. That was about 20k into a 175k race.
I think then I knew it would be a case of when I DNF'd and not if. Well I did DNF but really I was timed out at CP3 at about 80k when I got in after the cut off. That has been on my mind ever since and last year I pulled a hamstring a week out and had DNS. IT is 3 to me and 2 the course in the 100 miler - so I am in front and plan to stay that way.
I had a minor hamstring issue in early May and since then no issues and so I have been able to train and run well. I managed a PB at the GH 100 miler in September and my best marathon time was a 3.36 in October. Since then I have trained consistently and by my standards well. So in regard to preparation I believe I have done all that I could over the last few months.
The course is a monster in regard to the rise and fall. Well I just need to manage that on the day/night/day. Navigation is a real issue if you are not familiar with the course or do not pay attention but thankfully I have run the course enough that I do not need to refer to the maps or directions. (probably a statement I will regret). So that should not be an issue.
My gear is all that I have used before.
So what I am saying is that I am prepared as I can be. I know I am physically strong. Mentally I believe I am strong because of my fitness and my past experience in the race. So I just need to be thinking during the race and keep mentally positive at all times.
A expect to finish and that is the only objective. I have a race plan as regards times and will use that as a guide to keep me well ahead of the cut off times. My visualisation at the moment is all about running down the beach at Patonga late afternoon on Sunday.
Monday, November 07, 2011
Carcoar Marathon: 4.00.25
I ran the hard 10k on Saturday to go into this hilly marathon with tired legs. I wanted it to be a marathon where I pushed the hills on fatigued muscles and then go light this week. Yes I know your training does not have an affect for a few weeks and so why do what I did - more for the mental side of things but I also know my body does not like a long easy taper, I seem to run better with a very short taper.
Maybe my ability to recover quickly is better than others.
There were enough hills that I ran strongly up all of them except a couple around 34/35k. I maintained a 4 hour pace until 30k that fell off to 35k but made time in the last 7k which was mostly downhill - but that is not as easy as it sounds.
Nice new event in a great area in the west of NSW.
Saturday, November 05, 2011
One loop 47.40 @ 4.37
I was not sure if I should run or not this morning. I am still worried about an over use injury this close to GNW and in particular when I am pushing the pace and also I have a marathon tomorrow. Runners generally believe they are bullet proof so I ran in the beautiful pre dawn coolness and grey light.
Another PB by almost a minute from yesterday (WTF) and almost 2 minutes from Tuesday. I am not sure what is happening for that to occur except with a reduction in distance and perhaps the effect of a couple of weeks of training the results are showing
Friday, November 04, 2011
One lap PB: 48.34 @ 4.40
Despite my concern about an over use injury I still need to run to feel okay for the rest of the day. So it was out in the very pleasant pre dawn crisp air. It was so refreshing. Decided with the rest yesterday that it was good chance to push hard if I felt okay.
I felt okay and pushed hard for a PB from earlier in the week by almost a minute. Fitness seems to peaking just at the right time.
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Playing safe : No run
I am so worried about an over use injury that I didn't run this morning although I got up and got dressed. As I was going to leave the house I just had a feeling it was not a good day to run. So I didn't.
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Double loop: 1.42.19 @ 4.58 and PB
My last long training run before GNW. And I am glad to have put in a solid block of 18 days and to have come out of it much fitter than I went into it and absolutely no niggles. The no niggles is such a relief.
Today is Wednesday and the usual hot lap of the Bay. I didn't do that as I did not want to risk pushing the pace and causing a strain like occurred at this exact time last year.
It was nice to have a one lap and double lap PB's to finish off the block. I hope that shows the training was successful but than again I came off a very low fitness base. The block started with a 1.44 half at SMC.
I have a marathon on Sunday. No plans for that as regards time. I don't know the course and with a 8.00am start the weather getting warm near the end is likely to be a factor in resulting in a time close to 4 hours. After the marathon a few days of no running and then some easy recovery days later in the week before GNW. Having DNF'd there in 2009 and a DNS in 2010 I am anxious for it to start but I am also it has been a 3 years since I got to Patonga and I am just that much older but a PB at GH in September gives me some hope.
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
One lap 49.31 @ 4.48 and a PB
An overcast and cool morning. Even after a rest yesterday I still felt fatigued and not fresh at all. Any way it was a run as fast as I can session without risking an injury - not sure how you do that. But anyway it was full on for the whole 10.6k lap. A slight PB from Saturday. Always nice to run a PB when you are getting close to a focus event.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
2 Laps @ 5.04
Overcast early but with the humidity that you could feel. It was always going to be as steady as I could make it with the pace being very firm but not pushing to the limit. I just don't want an injury at this stage.
Both laps so close to 52.30 it does not matter. Pleased to have held onto the pace in the second lap.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Yes! One lap @ 4.48
Out very early this morning. It was just prefect running weather. I was determined to get under 50 minutes for the run asa real test of where I am at. Did it and I felt good all the way. It was as quick as I could go in the training week and for the distance. No niggles or injuries.
105 high quality k's for the week.
Friday, October 28, 2011
One loop @ 4.58
I was out late last night attending the Annual NSW Law Society Dinner. When I woke up this morning I was very tired and really did not feel like a run. However a dragged myself out a little later than usual and with only enough time for one lap. Once I got started I was fine. Nice solid pace - the rest yesterday probably did me more good than harm.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
No run
Decided that I maybe over cooking myself and being close to an over use strain/injury so I had a day off anda bit of a sleep in.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Double loop: 20.6k @ 4.59
An overcast morning with light drizzle.
The Achilles seem to have settled down compared to earlier in the week. I am feeling well and I can feel the improvement in my fitness. I know I am pushing myself each day to about my limit. Right on the edge of not quite enough recovery and running a high risk of an over use injury. But this will only last for another week or so and then I will ease off for the marathon, have a couple of days of no running after it and a couple of days of gentle running in the few days before GNW.
That's the plan. So I do sigh with relief when I finish a session without an issue.
Nice strong session with laps of 51.39/51.08.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Same loop @ 5.02
Much cooler in Sydney this morning compared to yesterday. Also overcast and some slight drizzle, so perfect running conditions. Just one loop today as a kind of distance recovery but still kept the pace quick.
With the sudden increase in distance over the last 10 days both Achilles have flared up and so the start of the run is slow and painful. However after 15 minutes or so they warm up and the pain significantly reduces.
I thought my legs would be fatigued and I would go much slower. I am not sure if I should be pushing the Anaerobic Threshold at the moment but I think that is okay as I need to make sure there is an effect from the running at the moment and that I am not just clicking over k's with no beneficial outcome.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Another 2 loops @ 5.03
I was not sure what would happen today. Close to yesterday or back to 1.53's. Again pushed well into the discomfort zone all morning. Splits of 53/51 for 1.44. Just off yesterday.
Some nice solid sessions at the moment. No niggles etc but I need to watch out for going too hard to often. I need to stay injury/niggle free for GNW. I am disapppointed I will not have at least one run on the course before the day or indeed any runs on trails. Anyway it is now too late to consider getting some trail running in before the day.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
2 laps @ 5.02 (20.6k)
I thought I would push this as hard as I could despite saying a few days ago I would stay within the 5.20/5.30 range. But then again this was two laps and I didn't expect to be close to the one lap time of yesterday. But then again I thought I might be running well within my comfort zone with 56 laps and I should push into some painful territory.
Splits of 52/51 fora 1.43 and a 10 minute improvement from the double loop times from last week.
Just goes to show what you can achieve when you push up to the limits.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Just one lap @ 4.54
I was out late at mid morning. The overcast conditions that were present earlier was gone and it was sunning and getting warm quickly. It was always only going to be one lap but as quick as I could go. I was not sure what that would mean.
This week the lap time has been about 56.xx minutes - today 50.17. The HR was always above 80% max and was pushing in the high 80's in the second half as the heat started to take effect.
Nice session.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Double loop again @ 5.29 pace
A beautiful morning out and around the Bay. It certainly is the best part of the day. Sunsets are fine but I much prefer the morning and sunrise. The weather is just perfect for running and you can feel that almost all of the crispness from spring has gone.
You walk out the door and it is pleasant.
Same two identical loops and about 30 seconds faster that yesterday. The body is holding up well considering the big increase in k's. I do however sleep very well and deeply.
You walk out the door and it is pleasant.
Same two identical loops and about 30 seconds faster that yesterday. The body is holding up well considering the big increase in k's. I do however sleep very well and deeply.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Double loop @ 5.31
Was I fatigued and tired? Yes
Did I feel otherwise okay even with the increase in distance this week? Yes
So it was out in the pre dawn grey for two loops. This is not about gettting quicker. I haven't got enough time really to build enough of base to achieve that. This is is just all about a nice steady but firm pace and then continue to repeat it day after day and then ease off a few days before GNW.
The pace I want and will stick with is in the 5.30 - 5.20 range. Any quicker and I think I will not be able to repeat daily.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Hot lap of the Bay: 29.20
I have not run it with JD and others for about a month. Various reasons. Clairie from Brisbane is in Sydney for conference and we gathered for a lap. I wasn't sure what I could do as it has been a bout 5 weeks since I went 28.xx and for a few weeks before that was under 30 but it has been a while.
Clairie went out very quick and I styed with her for a few k's and then eased off a touch. All I had to do was hold my pace at around 4.17 and with the time in the bank I would be under 30. But holding that pace was the big ask having not run that fast for as I said 5 or so weeks. She got to about 30 meters in front and it was like that for the last 5k.
Nice to be under 30 again.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Double loop @ 5.31
Okay the boring, repetative base building starts again although only for a few weeks. But what else can I do in preparation for GNW. Nice improvement in the average.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Recovery 10.3k @ 5.41
A slightly modified loop with all the hills just not the 2k along the canal. Just decided to go shorter so that I could do a double lap comfortably under 2 hours. That is about all of the time I have in the morning at the moment. And boring as it is I just wanted to pound out some doubles in the next couple of weeks and by running the same loop I can assess if my fitness is improving.
After Sunday it was a bit of a struggle but I expected that as in the last few weeks I have struggled to run 70k a week because of the marathon and couple of easy days and a taper for a day or so.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
SMC Half Marathon
All I want to do at the moment is stay injury free and balance that with getting as much distance in my legs in the short time I have before GNW on 12 November.So with that in mind I was planning something just under 2 hours but as usual I would also allow myself to run how I feel at the time. That would mean pushing hard but not to the extent that I felt I was straining anything.
The weather was pleasant and good conditions for running.
I felt I ran even paced for 1.44. A nice number close enough to under 100 to give me something to aim for in later runs.
By the way I did run in Melbourne for two laps of the Tan. Would have liked to have done a couple more but I was required at a Conference for a 8.00am start.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Update: Fitzroy Marathon 4.12.08
Ran the marathon last Saturday a bit slower than I was hoping. The first half went to plan with about a 1.55 steady split. I continued to run well until 30k (doesn't everyone) then the pace just slipped away badly. I was pushing hard mentally and physically but no juice in the tank.
It was probably because the marathon the weekend before was quick and the FF marathon of on trails and I just do not train that way. So the continual change in the surface, rises and falls, turns and twist just took its toll. However despite not getting under 4 it was an okay run. Almost all of my 7/8 + 4 hours have been on this run.
My ankles felt the change in surface etc and so I took until Thursday before I went out for a recovery run. Other factors were involved as well to cause the longer than usual break. Work has been very busy with early starts and late finishes, the left hammy is a little tight and I do not want another October injury that throws out preparation for GNW and C2K. So gently does it.
Off to Melbourne later today for the second week in a row. Its only overnight and I will be back late Friday. I hope to get a few laps of the Tan in on Friday morning before the conference. Then the first run in the new season for SMC and I will do a nice gentle half marathon in just under 2 hours.
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Easy marathon recovery run on Tuesday. No run this morning. Travelling to Melbourne and getting back late Friday. Nice to be back at Fitzroy Falls marathon after missing it for the last few years. Just under 4 hours would be great.
Sunday, October 02, 2011
Lap of the Lake Marathon: 3.37.18
A Saturday morning marathon for a change.
It is around this time of the year for the last few years I have acquired an injury that prevents any quality training for the GNW in November. I planned to run conservatively and thought around 3.55 would be close to the finishing time. I started off with Blue Dog and we agreed to keep the pace well controlled. We banged out the first 17k together with the 5k's being all 26.xx. He then started to move ahead but only by about 250m and it stayed that way for a couple of laps.
I was feeling very good and comfortable. I then increased the pace just a notch and then ran the remaining 5k splits in 25.xx.
A nice 1.49.58/1.47.19 negative split for 3.37.17 finish. Only the second under 3.40 this year, this being #12 marathon for the year. It was a pleasing run. I kept the pace in control for the first 26 k or - I felt fit enough to run quicker but I have done too many of these to know that will usually result in a slow down in the second half the trick seems to be to know when it is time to push harder and that usually just results in maintaining the pace. That is the, the effort increases but the pace does not increase - it is a matter of trying not to sow down. This one I managed that and it therefore a very satisfying run.
Yes it is 8 laps. Last year I found that mentally tough. This year that was not an issue.
Next Saturday is the Fitzroy Falls marathon in the southern highlands. About 90 minutes drive south of home. It is almost all on trails so it will be a struggle to get under 4 hours. But I will be pushing to do that. I last ran it in 2008 and was last under 4 hours in 2007 with 3.56 but that was the year I ran a 2.58 and I am not as fast now but maybe have more strength to cope with the off road running.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
I ran easy on Friday morning. I didn't run on Saturday morning although running on that morning depends on what is going on in my life. If I don't run I am not too concerned. Its a bonus if I can fit it in.
Sunday was very wet in Sydney and I thought I would opt for a non running recovery session !!!!
Mid afternoon Sunday I was off to Brisbane to teach on Monday. Left Sydney in heavy rain and arrived in Brisabne to warm dry weather. Ran just over 15k in the morning along the river with weather warm and pleasant and sunshine. Back to Sydney late Monday night.
Tuesday a 15k run around the Bay and surrounds. It was quite quick but manageable. Something did not feel quite right in the right hammy - a feeling was there and then it was not. Decided with a marathon on Saturday I could have a couple of days off running which I have done.
Might run on Friday morning just easy and do some stretches. A marathon at Penrith Rowing Centre on Saturday morning. It looks like the weather will be cool with a chance of showers. Just perfect. Anything comfortably under 4 will be fine. I expect to start off with Blue Dog and we might run together depending on what time he wants to do.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Another easy 10k recovery
Just a beautiful morning around the Bay. Clear blue sky, sparkling water, no wind and feeling good.
Nice firm 5.15 pace. Then some stairs to get the legs in shape for GNW. It certaininly gets the heart rate up. I need to do more of these in the time I have and a little less just hard running on the flat
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Easy 10k recovery
The Wednesday morning lap of the Bay group has been suspended for a while arising from various issues with group. Hopefully it will be back stronger and faster sooner rather than later. In between tapering or recovery from marathons I will still be at the Rowers for a solo hot lap.
I feel okay after the marathon with no injuries or niggles except for a very slight discomfort/strain in the arch of the left foot. On a 1 -10 about a 2 and I expect it will settle down in a day or 2.
Really easy at about 5.30 pace with a nice 20 minutes of stretching by the water.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sydney Marathon : 3.53.59
I said in an earlier post I would start out with the 3.45 group and see how long I could last. I think I was with them until returning to the city and then the expected happened and they disappeared into the distance. I was likely to finish between 3.50 - 3.55. Time 3.53.59 so as predicted.
Some useless stats of my 10k splits and rank over that split:
- 52 minute split and ranked 1178
- 54 minute split and ranked 1137
- 56 minute split and ranked 928
- 58 minute split and ranked 608
So each split got slower by about 2 minutes but I also improved my ranking over each split. A lot of runners were slowing down much faster than I was. My over all place was 862. My half splits were 1.52 and 2.02 being a 9% slow down. The winner had just below a 5% slow down.
The weather was a real issue. At the start it was a warm 18 and peaked at 31 just as I was finishing. We are told by the weather people it was 11 degrees over the average. Today has dropped back to average and woud have been prefect for running but not yesterday. I think the stats are about 20% of the starters failed to finish. With all of that against me I thought I ran a smart race.
At EACH drink station I had 2 waters and one sports drink and one water over my head. I walk through each drink station and made sure the cups I pick up were near full.
This is the 4th year that I run this marathon the week after running 100 miles the weekend before. My previous marathon times have been 3.56/3.50/3.52. In previous years the weather has not been such an issue but I went okay yesterday to be able to about as usual.
I ran in shorts and running singlet. I cannot understand why anyone at the start of a marathon in which the temperature is predicted to get very warm would start in long compression tights and long sleeve top and some had a top over that and in black of all colours. Do they use their brains or do they think it is some fashion parade.
That cool change came just after I finished. A few hours earlier would have been much better. Any way I was home soon after finishing and by 1.00pm was in a resturant by the water enjoying a family gathering. My thoughts were with these who might have been still out on the course.
Great organisation. I thought I delt with the conditions well. Maybe the previous 131 marathons gave me some experience to fall back on. Two weeks off until the next one in Sydney.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Pre Sydney Marathon update
I ran easy on Friday of about 10k with no watch. It was really just to keep the muscles moving and I did a lot of stretching. I did not run on Saturday morning as I think I need the rest more than the running.
I think I have recovered okay from GH but no doubt the last 12k will test that to the limit. I am as fit as I have been for a long time and strong and with that I hope to be able to maintain a strong pace over that last 12k.
My plan is to start with the 3.45 group and stay with them for as long as I can. Do I think I can do that - well I am not confident but I also think it is possible depending on the recovery. My guess is between 3.50/3.55 but I will give it everything for the 3.45.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Usual Wednesday Bay Lap: 32.10
I felt okay jogging the k or so to the Rowers. No sorness or stiffness but I know that means nothing as regards recovery.
I could have not run this morning for some passive recovery but with the marathon on Sunday I think some easy active recovery was best. If I was not feeling okay I would not have run. JD, Rach and Jo were the starters this morning.
Jo and I ran firm for 3k and then I suggested she push on. A firm but comfortable 32.10 for 4.40 pace. I am not sure what I will do exactly for the rest of the week but I think a couple of more easy runs and some stretching.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Glasshouse 100 miles : 27.18.42 New PB
My running has been going well recently with some good training run times and so based on that I expected a good result. Then again it is a 100 miles and anything can go wrong on the day. Also I was not sure if the stats were on my side or not. Before this race I three I had three finishes in a row - so does that mean experience should get you through or are the precentages starting to stack against you. YOu will now and again havea bad day and there is nothing you can do about it.
The weather was going to a factor with strong wind gusts and cool overnight.
Not one navigational issues. No blisters or other issues. As usual some low points mentally "Why am I doing this. I am getting too old to do this and I chose to do it" type of thoughts. No real physical issues.
My race was steady through out with a really good eastern section except geeting from the school to 9. I didn't fuel up as well as I should have at the school. Consequently I reached the CP feeling very low. I then sat down for the first time and ate and drank properly. That worked well and I ran a lot of the rest of the eastern section to the finish.I think I ran that section in just under 9 hours which for me is good.
A finished in 27.18 and a small PB.
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
Bay Run and new PB : 28.51 @ 4.10 pace
The lap around the Bay has had some slight changes recently as regards the course because of the construction of the second bridge. I am not sure if the distance has changed by more that 100 metres, if that. I usually have the Garmin measuring it at 6.92k.
I have rarely run under 29 minutes. It was a few years ago that the Professor pulled a sub 29 out of no where. I went under on this configuration a month or so ago but just a second or so.
Today it was well under. I could not have gone quicker. Nice position to be in at this time of the year. I have not been this fit ?/ quick for a long time.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Monday, September 05, 2011
Nice easy recovery
After a big weekend of a couple of quick runs it was a choice of how to recover - no run at all or an easy run around the Bay. I was tempted to stay in bed but the thought of a nice easy cruise won out. About 10k in just under 60 minutes with some nice stretching by the water.
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Nice 21.4k @ 4.43 pace
This is the same loop I ran a few days ago without my watch.
I can't believe that I have not run this hard or fully fit since May. On the 6 May I ran this at 4.48 pace which was the quickest I can see for the year. I am not sure if almost 2 minutes faster is smashing it but it was a good run. Not only that the 12.5k is run an all my various runs and I have just not be able to get under 60 minutes - the closest about 61 and that was when I was just running that loop.
Today a nice 59.48.
Things are going along very nicely. I just wish there was a flat fast marathon in 2/3 weeks. There is but there isa 100 miles in between.
Saturday, September 03, 2011
Yeah under 70 minutes!!!!
I ran 22k on Friday but decided not to time it and just run it as I felt. Partly because I have not run this distance in training for a while and just wanted have a nice firm run without any time pressures.
On Friday afternoon I went to my Dr friend who is a muscular/skeletal specialist. Looks at you to and assesses if you are in balance and in particular around the hips area. Well of was almost okay bit tight in various parts that meant other parts were compensating. So there was about 90 minutes of twisting, pushing and some pulse laser ? treatment.
He said I should feel 'loose' and should be able to run more freely.
I thought I would give it a test this morning with my usual 14.5k. I have got close to under 70 minutes if you call 71.xx plus close. Short story 69.43 for a 4.48 pace. I must tell him. So pleased to finally get under 70 at this time of the training for some later marathons and long term GNW.
Thursday, September 01, 2011
A nice 14.5k @ 5.02 pace
A very pleasant morning. Just perfect weather for running. I am so pleased to have survived another winter and the unpleasant early mornings.
I have about another 10 weeks to GNW and all I want is to start it without an injury and to be as fit as I can. Mentally I am ready to put in the hard work between now and then to start it with the best chance of finishing. In the last 2 years I have had a DNF and DNS.
I really do want to have another run along Patonga Beach anda finish.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Skiing & Bay Lap
Eagle & Mrs Eagle
Skiing went well. The weather was perfect and the snow was plenty and the snow typical spring - crusty in the morning and slushy in the afternoon. However if you got off the popular runs the conditions were good late in the day.
Eagle having a slow run
I ran a slow lap of the Bay on Tuesday.
Today was the usual 'hot lap' morning but no one else was there. ????? Anyway I set off alone and knew it would be hard to stay focused and on pace. The aim was just to consolidate where I am at and that was to run another sub 30 lap and be comfortable. Did that 29.35, the same as last week.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Easy 14.5 @ 5.07 pace
The usual short run. Firm recovery pace. No niggles or issues - so all systems are go.
I am off skiing for 3 days. Forecast is for pleasant weather and there is plenty of snow. Just hope I don't twist and ankle or such. Back running Monday morning.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Nice Bay Run Recovery: 29.35 @ 4.17 pace
I didn't run on Monday & Tuesday. Today is the usual lap of the Bay with JD. We were joined today again by Jo and Rach. Proff has a hammy injury.
I felt okay but the legs were a bit sore and heavy. Therefore I was not expecting much other than to get around in one piece. Jo and I started off very firm and seemed to be able to maintain that for the lap although I started to struggle in the last few k's when Jo pulled away.
Nice after a marathon to get under 30 without too much trouble.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Mudgee marathon: 3.34.10
A great weekend away with my closest running mates.
Before driving up I dropped my middle son off at the International Airport for his 3/4 week trip to London/Paris and England generally. The airfare was his 21st birthday present. He would like longer but cannot get more time off work. We have heard from him and he is fine.
It was a pleasant drive up to Mudgee in the late afternoon. Just a nice time of about 3 1/2 hours from Sydney.
The morning was clear and cool but not as cool as in the past. This was my 9th marathon at Mudgee from 11 being held. I felt good and a few posts ago thought on a good day might get close or under 3.35. That time was not on my mind when I started. I just wanted to run how I felt but that was quicker than my recent past marathons and I felt comfortable. That made me think a good time could be possible if I coud hold things together.
At 10k the course climbs with one short downhill until 19k and so it isa real energy sapping part of the run. I know you must get through that feeling okay before the rolling hills that are mostly downhill to the finish but there are enough uphills to keep you very interested.
I ran through halfway in 1.46.10 which was good considering the hardest part of the course was over. I was the able to lock into a 5.05 pace and was knocking off the 5k splits in the 25.00/25.30 range and was hoping I could hold that to the end.
It got harder to maintain the pace as I got closer to the finish and the effort to maintain it became much more of an effort. I managed that with a second a 1.48 second half. Very pleased to run my quickest marathon since May 2010 or about 20 marathons.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Tapered. Rested. A nice quick one @ 4.49 pace
After resting and tapering for one day it was time to sharpen up and test where I am at compared to the last 3/4 months.
This has been my basic short run over that period. Just on 14.5k with times as slow as 80+ minutes but not below 75 until Tuesday this week. My previous best before that was 7 May in 71.18. Today a nice 70.04 @4.49. I am not sure what that means as regards marathon pacing but it is nice to have a PB at this time of my preparation for the longer events late in the year.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Bay 29.11 @ 4.15 Yeah !!!
Last week I said I was hoping to go under 30 this week. Well 30 was smashed with ease.
The usual suspects plus Jo who led from the start and kept the pace solid all the way. A last k in 4.20 blew the sub 29. A stronger last k and I should have the 28.xx. Not next week after the marathon but depending on how things go maybe there is a chance the following week.
Anyway its nice to be back under 30. Lets hope I can hold that for a while instead of the crash and burn that has happened in the past.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Another crisp morning around the Bay
Decided with the marathon on the weekend it was time to reduce the distance but increase the pace - push the intensity of the run.
So it was my usual 14.5k run but pushed hard. I have run the often but not fully fit for months. I think the last time this was run when I was fully fit was on 7 May when I ran 71.18 @ 4.54. Soon after that I had the hammy issues.
Today a nice firm 72.08 @ 4.59. Things are coming along fitness wise very well. I might on Sunday get close to 3.35 if I am lucky.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Another 21.5k at a firm 5.07 pace
I was very fatigued when I got up and really did not want to run but knew it had to be done. I was not sure if I should have recovery paced run or push it. In the end I ran it as hard as I could and was only about 30 seconds slower than yesterday.
No niggles - so I am keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
A very nice 21.5k @ 5.05 pace
A wet morning and the City to Surf was being held. I was not running the City to Surf so I ran a medium long run. This morning was not about distance but about pushing the pace.
I have not run this fully fit since early May. A day r so later the first of the hammy injuries occurred and it is only now that I have no issues with the injury and feel that I can get on with some hard training in regard to distance and speed.
When I ran this in May it was in 1.44 @ 4.54 pace. All of have been running lately is about 14k loop. This loop adds one lap of the Bay. My best 14k time recently had been at about 5.20 pace.
Today was pleasing because I added 50% in distance and reduced my pace by 15 seconds a k. I felt strong and am looking forward to the marathon next week and then a couple of weeks solid training before GH 100 miler. Oh and a few days skiing the weekend after the marathon.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
A quick lap of the Bay early
I did not run on Friday as I did not want to push too hard too quickly after the marathon.
I generally do the shopping for the house most Saturdays. That is being in the fruit and veg markets by about 6.45 and then back into Balmain for the supermarket by 7.30. The fruit and veg markets are less than 10 minutes away. So getting a run in before those chores does mean I have to get up super early. I sometimes do and I sometimes don't. If I miss the run I am not too concerned as it is never factored into my weekly training.
Anyway I did a quick lap of the Bay in 30.26 which was okay.
I was attending a conference all day in Sydney so after the shopping it was off to the conference. I ran because I knew I would feel better knowing I was sitting down all day.
I would have been Mum's 83rd Birthday today. I really didn't want to think about that.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Nice 14.5k @ 5.20 in 76.50
My usual intermediate distance run. Depending on recovery/taper made it varies between about 72 at my very best and about 80 when in recovery.
Its only Thursday after a marathon and I should be going out for my first tentative recovery run or really an ugly shuffle/hobble. However I have no muscle soreness although I am aware that does not mean I am recovered but it does at least allow you to run freely and a nice firm pace.
Nice predawn morning around the Bay. It is a little warmer as it is okay to run without gloves and feel comfortable from the start of the run. I would have to say being injury free I am enjoying my running at the moment.
My mind is really starting to think about the Glasshouse 100 miler in 4 weeks time. It always sounds such a long way and I never enjoy the thought of running through the night however once you start you just seem to face the challenge and stay moving forward for about 28 hours. It does feel so nice to stop.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Usual Bay Run for Wednesday: 30.05
Ran #130 marathon on Sunday. Jubulani on trails in the bush in north east Sydney. Nice course with lots of varied terrain. I have run most of it before are various time. Only 2 checkpoints so I needed a full backpack. Time was not relevant it was all about time on my feet on trails.
No run on Monday or Tuesday.
Meet up with the usual suspects for our Wednesday lap of the Bay. Today I really thought that after running 3 marathons in eight days I would struggle. We started off steady with a couple of 4.25 or so k's. It then seemed to go weird where Proff and I just started to move much quicker with ease.
My watch was not switched on. I had no idea what pace we were running (the starting pace was told to me after we finished. It feel very firm but comfortable. Proff finished about 5 meters in front me in 29.57 so I think I was about 30.05. I thought it would take another month to get close to under 30.
Maybe a 29.xx next week.
Friday, August 05, 2011
14.5k in 77.58 @ 5.22
Same loop as yesterday. Easier and quicker.
The weather is warm and the moment and just so pleasant to be out pre-dawn.
Thursday, August 04, 2011
15.5k in 80.14 @ 5.33
My maintenance loop that has some hills scattered through it. They come often enough to take the sting out of your legs, build up lactic and make it hard o get rolling again on the flats. I have to remember it is the week after a double marathon weekend and so I need to make sure I do not push too hard too soon and have an over use injury.
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Running is back to normal
A bit warmer this morning around the Bay.
Wednesday so it was JD and Proff at the Rowers on 6 for the lap of the Bay. Running ??? across the Iron Cove Bridge I did feel a little delicate and thought that it would not be pleasant on the lap. After our usual chat we started off with me expecting to fall off the back quickly.
The first k in 4.45 felt okay but perhaps not sustainable. The second k was also at 4.45 and I was feeling better. I stayed close tot he Proff with JD off the back.
Nice 31.26 @ 4.34 pace.
Monday, August 01, 2011
Update for the 'double weekend'
I haven't posted much in the last few weeks but I have been doing a bit of running in the mornings but I would not call it training.
Although I have started up Wednesday mornings again with JD and Proff and despite all the statements before we start about a slow lap we still seem to get around in just over 31. Maybe we should just agree to go hard and all get back below 30.
For the 4th time I have done the Bush Capital marathon on Saturday and then the M7 on Sunday. I always have doubts about what I am doing and whether I will finish either let alone both but I did it and much easier than I thought. In both I finished much stronger than I should have from the lack of real training I have done over the last month.
Without going into too much detail Canberrra was about a minus 6 Celsius start but clear blue skies and still. I finished in 4.10 that was 25 minutes faster than last year !!!!. The course had been changed but not enough to make that much of a difference. I just did not tire over the last 10k.
Sunday was again a minus degree start. I felt okay in fact I felt very good with no stiffness etc. My plan was to stay around the 4 hour mark for a long as I could. I started with the 3.45 pace in front of me and decided to run just behind him until I slowed and was caught by the 4 hour pacer. The 5.20k pace we were running at was comfortable? It should have been a struggle.
Anyway the 5k splits to 30k were between 26.11 - 26.46. That meant I was shoulder to shoulder with the 3.45 pacer at 30k. I then thought about how I felt, what I had done the day before and that last 12k. I made a decision that I felt very good and just increased the pace slightly and was able to maintain just on 5.00 minute pace to the end. The 5k splits between 30 - 40k were bang on 25 minutes each.
Did that feel good to move from 122nd at 32k to 88th at the finish.
A few days off and another marathon on Sunday.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Hunter Valley Marathon : 3.52.xx
Yes I know a while since any updates.
I trained well after the Gold Coast and that started with restarting the Wednesday laps of the Bay with JD and the Professor. Our first was the first Wednesday after the marathon. I felt okay but for various reasons it was agreed it would be slow and we did that and ran about 37.30. The next week we thought we might go a bit quicker but maybe around 5 minute pace. A 31.50 in about 4.33 was not was agreed but is was a nice run. I plan to run this Wednesday but it will be back for me at least to a 37.30 lap.
Mum died last week and whilst it might sound heartless I did continue to run. It felt okay to do that as she was proud of my running and I am sure she would have wanted me to continue. You can still grieve and run. Even when your mother dies life must go on.
Despite saying that you cannot expect to be unaffected. So whilst I was running my mind was certainly more on the loss than some training session to improve my running. It was being done on auto without much attachment to what I was doing.
The marathon was more of the same. I started, I ran and I finished and not much thought went into anything related to running but my thoughts were on Mum and the loss that our family and friends have suffered. However our family is not unique in that regard must accept what has happened and move on positively with our lives as I know that is what she would have expected.
Not much more can be said about the marathon other than it was run and completed. If there is anything pleasing it seems the hammy issues that have plagued me for the last few months have finally completely recovered and they are no longer an issue or concern.
No marathon next weekend but then a nice double the following weekend with the Bush Capital on Saturday and the M7 on Sunday. The Bush Capital is all off road and tough so well over 4 hours is still a good steady run. The M7 I may just run with Jane and for once run for the pleasure and enjoy the run.
The following weekend another marathon in the bush in Sydney and again close to 6 hours is an okay run.
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