Sunday, February 20, 2011

SMC 25K : 2.11.06 @ 5.15

The combination of a very big week in k's, one of the hottest nights in Sydney and a very hot and humid morning did not provide confidence that the run would be anything other than ugly and painful. It was brutal conditions but apart from a few times during the run I coped okay.

The first 15k was at 5.06 pace much faster than planned and then I thought the melt down was not far off. On the course between 15 -20 k are a number of significant and energy sapping hills and that was run in 5.31 pace. I thought the last 5 would be slower but I held on for a strong finish in 5.14 pace.

Almost to the second what I ran in 2010 but I am not sure of the weather. I did then peak at what I ran in 2009 and was amazed to see it was 1.51 - how the hell did that happen. The weather must have been much kinder.

Last year with the 2.10 at SMC I managed 3.25 at Canberra. It would be nice to get under 3.30 again.

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