Friday, May 06, 2011

22k @ 4.48 !!! and another PB

No I have not been taking anything illegal or performance enhancing. The times are coming down quickly and the effort is becoming not easy but easier to maintain. I have been training wearing a heart rate moniter but is is not something I focus on - it is more some information that I look at out of curiosity.

However despite the pace increasing significantly my average HR for this run has gone down very slightly. The decease is not significant but what I consider is significant the increase in pace with the slight decrease in average HR. Running quicker with the same or less effort by the heart rate.

AHR 135 and Max at 152. By the very rough formula of 220 less my age my maxHR should 159. I think it must be higher. Lets say its 165 then my AHR is just under 82% of max. I have no idea what that means.

Nice session near the end of a big week in k's. One more short run tomorrow morning that will get me well over 160k for the week

1 comment:

Ewen said...

That's great Ray. Faster pace and a similar HR is a good sign of improving aerobic fitness. I wonder what your average heart-beats per km is on those runs? Steve Way reckons he's fit at 500 per km.