Friday, June 12, 2009

Recovery : 21k @ 5.18 and some thoughts

I suppose all journey's start sometime and somewhere. I hope today was the start of some steady training for the second half of the years running. As I have said the big goals I had for Gold Coast Marathon will not happen but on the long term I have to start preparation for other running events in the next 6 months.

If I am lucky I will fit in 7 more marathons. I will miss Melbourne as it is on when the Masters events are on in Sydney and I have entered all of the long running events. So I will focus on getting in shape for thise although they are on after all of the marathons. Off course the Glasshouse 100 miler in September is on as well as the GNW 100 miler in November.

So I must think about the preparation for those and not dwell on the missed opportunity at Gold Coast.

So for today a steady but firm recovery run of 21k in 5.18 pace. It was really 3 sets of 7k although not repeated loops. The pace for each 7k got quicker being 5.30, 5.21 & 5.05 for the 5.18 average.

1 comment:

Ewen said...

If you thought the temp in Sydney was a shock after Fiji, you should have felt it in Canberra yesterday!

Good start to the second half of the year Ray. Sorry I'll miss you in Melbourne.