Thursday, June 04, 2009

Monday 1 June

This brings back some very pleasant memories and I wish to than all those that supported me on the weekend

I have not posted for a while for various reasons. For the first time in along while I went very flat after Canberra. I was strong for a a few weeks and then a deep fatigue set in.

I was busy with teaching and doing a lot of interstate travelling and days on end teaching. It was relentless and I don't think I relised how much it was draining me. I then started to get on top of it and a minor hamstring injury on the Friday before the Herald Half set the positive progrees back.

It was depressing to be injured and also to realise that my long held plans for the Gold Coast marathon had disappeared. For the last few weeks I have had great difficulty in being focused on training & running in general. I did set the I st of the month as a point to start to rebuild the mind and body.

In early May I was doing a 13.5k loop and had managed to get it down from 69 minutes to 59 and then the hammy injury. I then ran it on Monday after about 2 and a bit weeks off. It was wellinto the 70's and was a slow painful plod. Tuedsay got it down a few minutes to 73. Wednesday was off and today it was 66 so some good progress was being made but that still is over 5 minutes a k and is not easy.

Tomorrow I am off to Fiji for 6 days for a conference and so I am not sure what will happen with training.

Anyway I have entered the Gold Coast Marathon and have no expectations other than a hope not to go slower than 4 hours plus.


Jen said...

Welcome back and bula vinaka :-)

Safe travels. x

nando said...

After all the build-up to 100 marathons, I'm not surprised you were a bit flat after that achievement. Much like those who do their marathon and focus on that, only to find an empty hole afterwards that needs to be replaced. I am sure you will get your mojo back. Enjoy Fiji.

Superflake said...

Have fun working on Fiji Ray. Stay away from the Kava juice and come back fired up. Maybe you can have a good crack at Sydney then as the training will hold up for that?

Anth said...

Great to see you back Ray.

Ewen said...

Good to see you back Ray. I'm still waiting for the race report! ;)

Your training is always at a high level, so it's little wonder the body wants a break from time to time. Anyway, enjoy Fiji, and the continued return to running and racing.

You could run 4 hours backwards at the Gold Coast. There's always Melbourne for a fast one.

Rob said...

Great to hear from you Ray. Its good that you listened to your body and eased off for a while. You will just be able to relax and enjoy GC. I hope the conference allows you enough time to enjoy Fiji. You will come back refreshed and ready to get back into you training.

Dan said...

Hi Ray, good to see you back in play - I was wondering where you'd got to! Sometimes we do need to listen to the body, no matter how frustrating. I'm in the same boat as you right now, but knowing how hard you work and how much effort you put into training, things will come good again soon. I'm sure I'll see you along the Bay sometime soon - more than likley as I'm moving more towards Rozelle at the weekend!