Sunday, March 20, 2005

4.1 SMC 30k : 2.08.08

Very pleasant running weather this morning. I thought the humidity was low and not a factor also the cloud cover kept the conditions almost ideal with a strating temperature of about 18 degrees. About 6- 8 degrees lower at the start would have made it just about perfect conditions.

My run was perhaps better than expected but within the range of what I thought could be possible on a good day which today was.

By my GPS the course was 30.7k. If this are closer to the distance than 30k then 2.08.08 was a good time. It works out to be a 4:10 pace - if the run was exactly 30k then it works out at 4:16 pace - the later is exactly 3 hour pace. Anyway somewhere at or between is the pace for the day.

If halfway was accurate the I ran the second half slightly faster han the first half and felt comfortable in the second half. Felt as if I could have maintained the pace but not sure how long that feeling would have lasted though. Lets hope with a taper, some drinks other than water and some gels it will last until the 42.2 finish line.

About 75k for the week - as there was a two days off as a taper for Sunday. Might push the k's up by 15k next week but I will see.

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