Saturday, March 26, 2005

3.2 : 5k : 18:55

A very cool and wet morning in Sydney at 6.00am and the last moring before daylight saving ends in NSW. This means that 6.00am will now be light and so the rest of he early moring sessions before Canberra will be done in more pleasant conditions. I hate running in the dark as I am always concerned about triping etc.

Legs felt a little heavy so tday was never going to be a grab for a PB - it wa smeant to be short and very firm as compared to the intended marathon pace of 4:15 mpk (minutes per k)- firm is will below that pace and so 3:46mpk was just right. In fact I thought I could only manage 19 minutes at best and so then run was fine. Still have a slight right groin strain which is present at the start of a run but does not greatly interfere with the running stride when warmed up.

May rest tomorrow and then run what I was planning to to Sunday on Monday.

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