Sunday, January 30, 2005

11.5 - 11.1 : Various

This covers Wednesday 26 to Sunday 30 Janaury.

Down at Adaminably - with pleasant cool and foggy mornings with some great runs right outside of my sisters in laws property of 50acres. Not to bore with what I did in detail but ran 30k on Wednesday morning over a very testing hiily couse. Played tennis in the afternoon and had a slight muscle strain in the foot - thought it might be a serious ligament problem but responded well to ice and rest - so did not run Thursday or Friday - how bloody annoying but rationalised that a small recovery/adoption period at the end of a big month was good - just it wasn't planned!!

Ran a tenataive 20 on Saturday with no problems - so blasted a flat out 30 this morning with again no problems.

Will review the month and think about any changes to the proposed schedule for February. Despite the days off still managed 100k for the week and 475k for the month. No run on Monday which by the way is 69 days to go.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

69 days to go! Sounds awfully close, Ray, but you're doing just great right now & will do so again in Canberra! Stay well....LL