Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Mixed Session + a visit to the 'dark side'

Ran a 5k TT to see where I am at - ran 20.09 - last serions run was on 26/11 in 20.32. Improvement but I hoped for a bit faster. Then did a easy Bay Run at 4.48 pace which is about what I wanted. 17k for the morning.

Had a window of opportunity open up late in the afternoon so visted the 'dark side' - 19k in about 2.15 along the GNW around Lane Cove National Park. A big day for 36k. Feel okay now but expect a few problems at tomorrow morning which should be intense but see how I feel then.

1 comment:

Clairie said...

One of my goals for next year is a 21:00 5km time. So I love reading what others do for it.

I don't enjoy racing 5km - I prefer longer (umm and slower stuff) but the goal beckons.

Will be good to sit with you in Canberra or anytime soon (if you do Brissy etc) to discuss my training in some detail. I really admire your capabilies and wealth of knowledge.

Good result for today teacher :)