Friday, August 19, 2005

Bay 11.5k : 57.32

Very much just a dull ache - about the same as it was last Friday - so it has taken a week to get back in feeling where I was last Friday. What occurred today gave me some heart that at least I ran without too much discomfort. Another week or so of consolidiation/recovery training before I expect/hope to run freely.
Clearly none of this running is doing the perparation for a respectable time at Sydney Marathon any good. This is not raining and no long runs etc have been run. At least I wont need to consider a taper. At this time what are my thoughts about Sydney - well I expect there is no doubt I will get to the start line, after that a conservative run with even splits all the way. Expected time - big question but 3.30 is still likely - maybe as good as 3.20 if all the recovery effort goes as best as could from now until to start and then a perfect run on the day according to my current fitness level.

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