Tuesday, February 27, 2007

3 x 5k : 19.58 : 20.19 : 19.51

Overcast around the Bay this morning. After I got back I heard on the radio it was 20 degrees and 95% !!! humidity in Sydney. No wonder I was drenched in sweat before the end of the first 5k.

Felt a bit heavy in the legs from Sunday so all around 21 would have been fine.

Eased off on the second as I would have been happy with a MP time of 21.15. Thought the third would certainly drift out to that time but not so.

Will I get 3 under 20 before Canberra???


Clairie said...

Yes you will get 3 under 20 before Canberra.

Wow you are fast aren't you!!!!

Well done and good to see that the weekend running didn't take too much out of you.

Can't wait for Canberra now. Though I am not wishing away a single training day - there are not enough left as it is!!!

Ewen said...

Yes Ray. 2:55ish. We were talking about your long reps yesterday. Didn't expect to see 3 x 5k!

Unknown said...

Felt as though as I was nailed to the ground when you swept by me this morning. :-)