Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Bit of an update

Those familiar with theBay will know a sub 30 minute lap is good running at least for me. I went out on Friday afternoon after a session in the morning. As is usual after running in the morning, working all day and then going for treatment does not raise the hopes of going for a run in the afternoon let alone holding out hopes of a sub 30 minute lap.
With all that and then feeling like I had lead legs I went out with just enough time to make it around before darkness. 29.48 so it looks like if I can maintain my fitness i have that little challenge nailed for the moment.
The other is to run 5k in under 20.52 which is the best I have run that distance in the last 2 years. In fact it was April 2011 in the lead up to the Canberra marathon. Last year I was recovering from an operation and was happy just to be running. This morning 21.02. Getting close and I expect it will come before the April 9 marathon.
Touch wood no niggles. I am enjoying the slight change in focus to shorter faster sessions as I do some sharpening.

1 comment:

autismmum said...

I don't know how you fit all that into one day! Best of luck for your half marathon tomorrow.