Monday, April 09, 2007

Taper - 1 week to Canberra Marathon

Despite the changed circumstances the taper for the final week will still be executed as well as a carbo load in the final few days. I have to say I haven't totally abandoned starting off with the 3 hour group as it is not a matter of fitness it is a matter of how quickly I might recover from the side effects of the medication. So the taper will continue and this week will be as follows :

Monday 9 April
Easy around the Bay with 2 x 2k
Easy warm up then 2k in 7.50. Then an easy lap of the Bay with AK and some 'debrief' on IM and admiring her tat and being amazed at how well the girl has rcovered from her amazing effort just last week. She ran just so comfortably and smoothly this morning. Finished with 2k in 7.40. All felt comfortable.

Tuesday 10 April
Tempo : 4k @ 4 minute pace
Nice and cool around the Bay this morning. Managed 3.53, 3.55, 3.57 + 3.49 for a 15.36. Faster than planned and even except for the push to the end. Still not sure if that means I am improving. It felt hard but perhaps not as hard as things were a few days ago but who knows - certainly not me. It will be just a matter of making some decisions on race morning and during the early part of the race.

Wednesday 11 April
Day off or very easy around the Bay

Had an offer to cruise the Bay with AK and accepted. Some of the usual suspects were seen and we ran most of the Bay with JD who was also in cruise mode. However both were holding back - JD just ready to launch on Sunday.What a wonderful sunrise and a beautiful still crisp autum morning. Such a pleasure to be up and about. I have no idea where I am at but it did feel very nice this morning with no niggles.

Thursday 12 April
4 x 800 @ 2.50 each

Only did 3 as I couldn't remember what I had planned. I was out with my daughter last night helping her train for her cross country race in mid May. I did some exercises and a warm up the 3 x 800 : 2.51, 2.52, 2.52.

Well that's it the endurance build up training, the tempo and MP training and the taper - all finished. All up 19 weeks since I started on the 4th December. Where has the time and the warm weather gone. On reflection I didn't miss more that 3/4 sessions that were planned, didn't really have any injuries that interrupted the training and it has been the best preparation for Canberra that I have had perhaps since I ran under 3 in 2002.

Now to get mentally prepared over the next few days for marathon # 77.

Looking back I did do a a 5 x 800 session on the 11th December : 3.14 (WTF), 3.01, 3.07, 3.07 & 3.04. I commented I was 'very pleased'. It taken 19 weeks to take 12 - 15 seconds off each - seems like a lot of time and effort for what sounds like a little gain. However it is an improvement and so I should be very pleased with that.

Whatever the actual result on the day I will be so happy to be actually running a marathon instead of training for one. I am also happy to be starting another season of marathons and ultra's. This year I am looking forward to my running perhaps more than in the recent past for various reasons. The middle of last year was 'lost' because of the stressy and so I didn't get my annual fix of marathons also I am excited by the prospect of running a few races longer than a marathon. The 'dark side' beckons !!!

As was the case last year I may become the most excited by being at the start of the GNW100 in November. I expect that event to be by far the most challenging and exciting event for the year. The 10 or so marathons before that will be no more than base training for that but having said that each marathon in itself will present its own challenge with the goal in each to finish as fast a possible taking into account all of the circumstances.

Friday 13 April
Day off - no questions

Very easy around the Bay with some 500's at MP


Rob said...

I hope the blood is nearing normal for the big day Eagle. I guess it be a matter of making a decision on the day as to how you set out from the Start line.

Jen said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the side effects of your medication. I hope you enjoy the day nonetheless & I look forward to cheering for you when you run sub-3 at GCM.

Anonymous said...

It looks like we are both in the same boat, not knowing whether to aim for the sub 3 or not. It's probably wise not giving too much thought to it beforehand, and just see how the body feels on the day. I hope it all goes well.

Clairie said...

Hi Eagle,

I've only now found out about the side effects of the medication and what thay may mean for you at Canberra.

I know you will be devastated by this. I hope that by Canberra you will be in better shape physically. I am sure that mentally you are okay with this and that for you, just to run another good marathon will be sufficient. However that sub 3 was so yours!

Do you think your doctor would approve you taking 1/2 asprin a day - it thins your blood which may counteract the medication effect. It is pretty immediate but of course I don't know what medication you were on - SO TALK TO YOUR DOC.

Anyhow the good news is - I'll still be there to cheer you no matter what time you do :)

Anonymous said...

Some of the usual suspects were happy to see you guys Ray; I know enough has happened to plant the seed of doubt, but what will be will be. If Sunday doesn't unfold as you hope, I look forward to sharing some great times in Qld in July!

Regardless, good luck Sunday, I'll be waiting for some big news from many...