Sunday, May 04, 2008

2 loops 1.57.18 @ 4.31

Best time yet. It must have been because I did only one loop yesterday as a rest day !!!

A great week of training. Out each day and a total for the week of 167k. Apart from Monday on some big hills and all of the rest was running between 4.37 - 4.28 pace with 5 runs of 26k. No run was greater that that distance but all were run at close to maximun aerobic capacity.

I was surprised to run a 2 loop PB this morning at the end of the high k week. I feel as if I am getting much stronger than I was at this time last year and so I am hoping to continue that base building for the next 4 weeks. I just need to stay injury free and hope the 100k run in a few weeks has little interruption to the training.

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