The weather in Sydney over the last 2 days has been wet. Because of the problems in the knee area and the weather I thought I would take those days off. Today was clear, still and cold.
The knee had improved but it is still a problem that prevents me from striding out with ease - so I am running very tense and restricted because of the discomfort and on sometimes a sharpish stabbing pain. However it is not stopping me from running and I am not sure if that is a good thing. If it stopped me from running then I would likely recover - this running with the discomfort - well I am not sure if that is wise or not but I am committed to the Gold Coast Marathon and I will run it and then look at what should be done.
Tool the LKL steady and so was much slower that my more usual low 60's. Then went around the Bay and pushed just a bit faster.
The knee area while always a problem was much less the more the morning progressed.
Have you been trying Glucosomine Ray? If it's a cartlidge problem it could help. Quite a few down here have had success with it.
I'm tossing up between being happy and sad. Happy because I am going to see you again real soon but sad because I am worried the marathon will do more harm than good.
Promise me you will take care of yourself and if the pain is too much you will just pull out.
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