I have the second last of the Twilight Series on Friday and SMC 25k on Sunday. I want each to be high quality so I will be easing off the k's near the end of the week to be a bit fresh for each. I would love to go under 42 for the 10k on Friday and under 1.55 on Sunday. I think each is possible provided I am fresh and somewhat rested.
9.6 Sunday 15 February : 25k @ 5.01
Wet and cool. I wanted to do over 30 but went out late and had to get back by a particular time to be ready for a family commitment. I never really got into the run and so the time was a little off what I would have expected with the previous week being low k's and a day off yesterday.
9.5 Monday 16 February: 12k @ 4.32
After Sunday I needed a run that pushed the limits and this did just that. Then did 3 sets of 3 hills that left me drained but feeling good.
9.4 Tuesday 16 February : 12k @ 4.36
Exactly the same session as yesterday. Just drifted off the pace in the last 5ks that was possibly the hills from yesterday. But still felt 'strong' and I hope that is the hills over the last week or so kicking in. The pace has increased and I now know why this part of the training is not pleasant as it hurts most of the time. Give me the base building days at 5.15/5.30 pace. Did the hills again that needed a lot of focus to complete in the same times as yesterday.
A long session with JD tomorrow and then a bit of an ease off for the TT's.
9.3 Wednesday 17 February : No show
A combination ofa very late night and heavy rain at 5.00am meant I did not run. I am cool with as this is a low k week as I am preparing for a couple of TT's later in the week. Sorry JD if you braved the wet atth eusual spot and time. And I hope you applied the runners rule we have.
9.2 Thursday 18 February : 12k @ 4.31
I thought I would be on the 4.15 side of 4.30 today but .... Also did 3 hills with 4 in each. I was struggling after the first set but managed to hang on and kept each set to comfortably under 12 minutes each.
9.1 Friday 19 February : Recovery 15k @ 5.02
I wasn't sure what I wanted to do this morning. I wanted to run but not smash myself too much becuase of the 10k this afternoon. So I decided on 15k hard over all of the hills that are around the Bay. The time was not flash at 5.02 per k. However I don't think that run will make me fresh for later.
Twilight Series 10k TT
Ran 42.38 for 10.1k @ 4.14 or 42.20 for the 10k Not quite there but maybe I shouldn't have ran 20.38 for the first 5k. But I knew I was pushing hard and that likely it would result in a very painful slow second half which it was. Next week it will be much closer to even splits.
An okay week with 3 hill session and only 111k. It is a bit if a rest week because of the 25k TT on Sunday. I expect to push the k's back up in the next 3 weeks before a light week before the SMC 30k.
Whatever you have missed Ray, I am sure you have plenty in the bank and still some.
Sounds like a perfect weekend to me :) The way you have been training I am sure the body is grateful for any day off.
I know what you mean about just not getting into the run though - that was me last week!!! Like me I am sure you will more than make up for it on your next few runs/week of training.
BTW - no chance whatsoever of me being anywhere near you in the marathon!!! I am hoping to run 3:30 and that is the best I can do at the moment...maybe sub 3:20 later in the year!
You can do both those TT's no worries. They are nothing compared to the km's you have banked already.
PS I like your clock
I hope you got the sub-42 yesterday Ray. All the best for tomorrow's 25. Your training's been going well. It should all pay off with a fast marathon in cool Canberra.
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