Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Canberra marathon thoughts

What has happened to the time since I last posted. About 2 weeks !!!
I will not provide a day by day report of the struggle to get out each day and run since I last posted. Save to say some days I was out running and other days it was a struggle to run and on other days it was such I struggle I did not run. However I have done what I could and just have to accept at the start line on Sunday that I am where I am and no thoughts about what I could or might have done.
The reality is that when I went for the operation I thought I would not be able to run for almost a month. I was able to get out and start within 2 weeks. Since then I have done more training than I expected and so I have to be pleased with that and I am.
Today was the usual hot lap morning. The usual suspects of JD and the Professor where there. The sun was just up, the light was perfect and so were the conditions. I wanted a good hard hit out and the last really high intensity run. Thank Proff for leading all the way and give me something to chase and congratulations on being under 30 - that run run dragged me to 31.49. Pleasing time but absolutely no endurance.
On the basis of no endurance then I need to run the marathon on Sunday smart. That is a very controlled pace from the start. I am just not sure how much endurance I have if I start of at a pace I think I can maintain even over the whole distance. I would like to believe that I could run 4.15 (time bit pace !!!!) but i suspect it will be closer to 4.45. The question is will I start of at a pace that would if maintained would have me finish in 4 hours 15 minutes. I haven't decided. But liking a challenge I might just start off just behind the 4.15 pacer and see after 7/10 k what that feels like.
If that feels much too quick I will beat a hasty retreat and ease back off and settle into a .4.45 finish pace and enjoy the morning.

1 comment:

Ewen said...

Good luck Ray. Will look out for you collecting fares at the back of the 4:15 bus.