Barossa Marathon
Well well. That time was some surprise. Hoping to run close to 5 hours does not translate into that time without having some underlying fitness. I thought I was going some over the last few weeks but doubted if I had the endurance to hold the second half if I went out much quicker than previously.
I decided that just under 5 hours was the best time. So I ran at that pace or a bit quicker - like all runners trying to squeeze a pace a little quicker that is wise but somehow hoping it will work. My 5l splits were just on 32 minutes so a couple of minutes faster than was wise. Through half way in about 2.14 and 20 minutes faster than my usual for this year. Then I have been running (if that is what it is called) lets say the second half shuffle of 3.15 plus putting me close to 6 hours.
The second half 5k splits were slowing but only in the 33/34 minutes range. The second half a very pleasing 2.20 for the 4.34 finish. It is a 2 loop course of a half marathon for each loop so please to be almost even after for so long being well out of balance.
Review of the last 12 months
In early May last year I had major surgery to remove some cancerous lymph nodes. The stay in hospital was expected to be less than a week. Over three week later I was finally discharged with my planned marathons being missed. Barossa, South West Rocks and Gold Coast were all missed because I was still recovering and trying to get fit.
Returned to marathon running with Dolls Point in early July with a shuffle of 5.26 (little did I know what was to come with regards to time). By August things were travelling well with 4.09 at the Sunshine Coast Marathon.
Some tests in early September showed the operation had totally failed as the cancer with again on the increase. No more operations because we did not and do not know exactly where the cancer is. So onto 3 monthly hormone injections to stop my body producing testosterone as the cancer I have feeds of that. It worked !!! but the side affects for me were extreme fatigue and sudden weight loss that has thankfully stopped increasing but remains with me.
My marathon time quickly went to 6 hours plus.
I did some serious training and watched carefully what I ate over the last month. Although I was told watching what I ate would not necessarily reduce the weight as this was a hormonal issue not diet. Still I did it as it mad me mentally feel better that I was doing something rather than just accepting the situation. I have not really lost any weight but ...
So onto the Barossa and 4.34.
Where to now. I have no idea but it will be interesting to see how far I can go (maybe no where but backwards) and how far I can get towards the 3.24 in Melbourne 2014. Not close I suspect but closer than I am at the moment.
Another marathon on Sunday but for various reasons that will on purpose be a 5.30 jog.