Started the week off with just the slightest of discomfort in the left hammy. Not really like a strain but a tightness. It has been a minor issue all week. It has put me in two minds rest or is it so minor I can ignore it or if I ignore it will it get worse.
I continued to run but eased of the distance a bit, eased back on the pace and dropped the speed sessions. This mornings 22k was good as the feeling was much less that the last few days and almost not there. I have given it some home treatment, changed shoes etc that may have worked.
So the sessions this week have been within the 16/22k range with the pace a bit slower that 5.00 minutes per k. Maybe it was good to do this rather than push another two speed sessions. Anyway what is done is done. The rest ?? might have a benefit.
SMC Club run of 25k on Sunday. I had previously thought I would taper and have no decided that no taper and I hope on a hilly and testing course to average between 5.05/5.15 range.