Thursday, February 16, 2012

Week so far

Started the week off with just the slightest of discomfort in the left hammy. Not really like a strain but a tightness. It has been a minor issue all week. It has put me in two minds rest or is it so minor I can ignore it or if I ignore it will it get worse.

I continued to run but eased of the distance a bit, eased back on the pace and dropped the speed sessions. This mornings 22k was good as the feeling was much less that the last few days and almost not there. I have given it some home treatment, changed shoes etc that may have worked.

So the sessions this week have been within the 16/22k range with the pace a bit slower that 5.00 minutes per k. Maybe it was good to do this rather than push another two speed sessions. Anyway what is done is done. The rest ?? might have a benefit.

SMC Club run of 25k on Sunday. I had previously thought I would taper and have no decided that no taper and I hope on a hilly and testing course to average between 5.05/5.15 range. 

Monday, February 13, 2012


The training sessions have been going well including some speed sessions.

Lets not go into a daily report since the last update. The week ending on Sunday 3rd was 110k and the week ending 10th was 117k. 

The speed/tempo sessions was 2 laps of the Bay on the 7 February in 4.48 and then 4.38 pace. The Bay lap is about 6.9k. Then perhaps the surprise and highlight session was two days later. The program that I am following is from Daniels and I was training at he VDOT 50 level. That had me doing the second speed session for the week at 4.15 pace and I modified the distance slightly to be a session of 3 x 3.5k at that pace.

I thought that would not be able to be achieved because of the combined speed and distance. I thought I could not hold that pace for that distance.

If you are familar with Daniels Running Formula you have a VDOT (a fitness level) that then sets the pace of different sessions in the program. At VDOT 50 the Easy running is at 5.18 pace and I can manage that with ease on my daily endurance run but the quick stuff is quick. I am not making it easy I am am moving through a level each two weeks - definitely not the way to do it and progress properly. 

I have the base endurance pace but not the speed and that really is why I am doing a program that has two solid speed sessions a week backed up by long runs at the Easy pace. My aim is to get to VDOT 54 two weeks before the Canberra marathon. Why will if yo can train at that level you can break 3 hours. I will not break 3 hours as I have not trained at that level I have merely reached it. However it means that the speed sessions each two weeks increase in pace and keep the challenge alive.

Well back to the proposed session. 3 x 3.5 @ 4.15 pace. Result: completed each rep with the pace being 4.10/4.07 and 4.08. Maybe I am better placed than I think. 

Wednesday, February 01, 2012


I had a few days off from running after the marathon. I had an easy run of 14k on Sunday. It was slow but it was just recovery.

Monday was 21k in about 5.18 pace. 

Tuesday was 4 x 1.5k with each at 4.15 pace. The followed by 7k @ 5.00 pace. It was very humid and it was tough.

Wednesday was 21k @ 5.00 pace. The weather was overcast and humid with some drizzle and a cooling breeze. Just wonderful weather for running. 

January was 464k including two marathons. Training is going about to plan and I have not acquired any niggles from the quicker sessions. I have no idea where my fitness will be for the Canberra marathon in April so I have no idea at the moment of what I could run. It is at the moment an interesting journey with some interesting and challenging stops on the way.